31 Tawa Street



Project Type


Project Date

April 2024

We were approached in April 2024 to replace some linings in a kitchen to allow new cabinetry to be installed. It quickly became apparent that this house needed a lot more than linings and was in fact in danger of collapse in this corner.

Everything from the ground up needed replacing, but first we needed to work out why it got so bad in the first place. From our investigation and experience it was concluded that a number of factors where at play here, including;

  • A blocked gully trap, sending the overflow directly under the subfloor.
  • The ground level being far to close to the sub floor framing.
  • The lack of a moisture barrier between the ground the subfloor framing.
  • No insulation.
  • Outside concrete paving area being to close to the finished floor height inside.
  • The concrete paving falling towards the back of the property and flowing beneath the subfloor.
  • Spouting in poor condition and leaking.
  • Downpipes charging straight onto the concrete and then flowing under the house.

We created solutions for each of these issues and implemented them alongside the complete repair of the building to ensure no more problems arise and the house is safe and warm for decades to come.

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